En Novels热力推荐
Spirit Vessel
- 作者:Jiu Dang Jia
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You Are My Only One {jaehyun Ff}
- 作者:vanessa_08
- asyouknow...lifeisnotalwaysgood... thereisalwaysatimewhenits
Mysterious Job Called Oda Nobunaga
- 作者:Morita Kisetsu
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The Legend of the Dragon King
- 作者:Tanaka Yoshiki
- TheAgeofG.o.dshaslongsinceended,theirvoicesnolongerheardonth
En Novels周推
Demons Of Society
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[En Novels] The Record of Unusual Creatures
[En Novels] You Are My Only One {jaehyun Ff}
[En Novels] Mysterious Job Called Oda Nobunaga
[En Novels] The Legend of the Dragon King
[En Novels] The Devious First-Daughter
[En Novels] Almighty Sword Domain
[En Novels] 246
[En Novels] Tsurugi no Joou to Rakuin no Ko
[En Novels] Summers Stories
En Novels·小说列表
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2020-05-07Drama, Drama, Drama
- 作者:Unknown_Username热度:0°C
- Drama,Drama,Dramasummaryisupdating.ComevisitNovelonlinefull....
- 最新章节: 1 F. O
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2020-05-07Life Of A Looser
- 作者:ericzonunsanga热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 1 Unnamed
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- 作者:desmondongjunkit78热度:0°C
- DREAM:UNDEADsummaryisupdating.ComevisitNovelonlinefull.comso...
- 最新章节: 1 1.A Little Girl
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2020-05-07The Gamer's Life
- 作者:cringegay热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 1 First Time Gaming
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2020-05-07Cinderella Was Gone
- 作者:Fhaze0808热度:0°C
- "She'ssosweet,asexpectedofmydaughter!"herparentssa...
- 最新章节: 1 Prologue
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2020-05-07Im No Liar~
- 作者:leikosan0410热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 2 Stupid Words
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2020-05-07The Reality
- 作者:dawameloveread热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 1 That 'Why' Question
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2020-05-07SA- School For Assassins
- 作者:KaChanDesu热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 1 The Princess 1St Day At School
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2020-05-07Broken Heart Kills
- 作者:Brethren2005热度:1122°C
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- 最新章节: 1
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2020-05-07I HATE HIM!!
- 作者:Lovemanga657热度:1600°C
- Aftercomingbackfromherjob,herparentswantedhertoget...married...
- 最新章节: 10 11 I Didn't Kiss Her
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2020-05-07The Greatest Fall
- 作者:jhangssssss热度:1840°C
- Howcanlovesprangoutofaslightb.u.mpandanaccidentalfall?MeetKe...
- 最新章节: 2 Prologue
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2020-05-07Love Never Dies
- 作者:german3热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 1 How They Me
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2020-05-07Love All Around
- 作者:ayenazren热度:0°C
- Twopeople,fromcompletelydifferentworldareabouttogetmarried.A...
- 最新章节: 2 Compromise
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- 作者:Eronovelsensei热度:0°C
- Breakablesummaryisupdating.ComevisitNovelonlinefull.comsomet...
- 最新章节: 1 Chaptor 0
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2020-05-07The Diamond Dragon
- 作者:TheRealFudanshi热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 1 Story Of My Life
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2020-05-07Just One Moment
- 作者:_Xiao_Anhao_热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 2 1 Welcome Home
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2020-05-07Rising Of The Divine Stone Cultivation Tablet
- 作者:logames05热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 21 Mental Cultivation And A Personal Trader!
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2020-05-0721st Century Girl
- 作者:vaishu15热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: -1 Her Childhood
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2020-05-07The Secret 4
- 作者:MsYhun热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 1 Cas
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2020-05-07It Starts From Her Tears
- 作者:kapree热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 2 Going To Meet His Father's Girlfriend
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2020-05-07The Fourth Prince
- 作者:Demiking热度:0°C
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- 最新章节: 2 Chapter 2
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2020-05-07When You're Gone
- 作者:Crazy_Duck热度:0°C
- Shegaveupeverythingforhim.Sheforgotaboutherself.Heisherunive...
- 最新章节: 2 Declaration
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2020-05-07If I Could Only Bury Us
- 作者:thisgirl818热度:0°C
- "Whenweneverevenhadthecouragetospeakwithwords?Theonlyth...
- 最新章节: 3 Chapter Two
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2020-05-07Holding On to My Man
- 作者:Hong Yao Yao热度:0°C
- Afteranaccidentaldeath,inordertocontinuetolive,GuBaihadtocho...
- 最新章节: Chapter 85
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2020-05-07Rise Of A Fallen God
- 作者:SwchBlade01热度:0°C
- ConsumedbydarknesssearchingforthereasontoredeemtheGuardianRa...
- 最新章节: 170 Waiting Room
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2020-05-07Mated To A Werecat
- 作者:Lu_Vixen18热度:0°C
- IrisLaceisthelastofherkind.She'sbeenonthemoveforawhilenow.Th...
- 最新章节: 38 Epilogue Third Person Point Of View & Mysterious's Point Of View
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2020-05-07Omae Mitai na Hiroin ga Ite Tamaruka!
- 作者:Shironeko热度:0°C
- OnceanOL(OfficeLady)around30andbornwithmemoriesofherpastlife...
- 最新章节: Chapter 28
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2020-05-04The Whimsical Dungeon
- 作者:TwistedWhimsy热度:0°C
- Afterbeingmauledtodeathbyapackofwolves,Crystalisforcefullyre...
- 最新章节: 27 Tempting Fate
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2020-05-04Nisha Of The Red
- 作者:HotYams热度:0°C
- Nishagrewtiredofhermundanelifeandhopesshecouldfinallyobtainw...
- 最新章节: 26 Playmate
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2020-05-04I Found A Planet
- 作者:Ming Jian热度:40°C
- Throughamysteriousportal,ChenJinarrivedatthisstrangeplace–ap...
- 最新章节: Chapter 493 (End)